We have 4 classrooms for the preschool ages, ranging from 3 to 4 years. Children are separated according to age and typically travel together with their class throughout their time at ITC.
Preschool 1: 3 years by August 31st; Up to 15 children per class with a minimum of 2 accompanying teachers throughout the day.
Preschool 2: 4 years by August 31st; Up to 17 children per class with a minimum of 2 accompanying teachers throughout the day.
Outdoor Learning

We believe children learn through experience. When children encounter new information, play with materials in differing ways, and have meaningful exchanges with other children and adults, they are making sense of the world. Children have preferred strengths, unique learning styles, different interests, and likes and dislikes. As educators, we provide appropriate learning environments and arrange learning opportunities that match children's strengths and preferences.
Nature is woven throughout our program, and preschool groups have an additional nature opportunity with our on-staff naturalist. Our naturalist visits each preschool class weekly throughout the school year, for a nature walk and further exploration outdoors. Sessions typically include a morning provocation in the classroom, followed by outdoors. Topics include animal tracking, the food chain, camouflage, wildflower hunts, frog catching, scavenger hunts, tree identification, and more.
Music and Movement
Music is an important part of children's every day lives, and at ITC we have partnered with a music program to come in and have music with our Preschool classes once per week. The children get to dance, move, sing and play instruments during this time.
Parent - Preschool & Young Toddler
Our children have called ITC their second home since infancy, and we could not be more grateful for this special place. As nervous new parents, the teachers guided and supported us with tremendous patience, understanding, and an ever-ready listening ear. Even in challenging years like the pandemic, we always feel the teachers’ and administrators’ commitment to our children’s care and development. Our children have formed deep and lasting friendships with their classmates, and we have found our “village” of parents as a result. We know that when we look back on our children’s early years, we will always remember the gift of being a part of the ITC community.